====== The new Rushcliffe Arena ====== What a disappointment. I was so looking forward to the new Arena opening. For no logical reason I can think of now I thought the new facility was going to be substantial and luxurious. The combined product of all that was available at the Arena and the Rushcliffe Leisure centre... and more. Far from my naive vision, there doesn't appear to be any expansion in provision over that which was available at the Arena, other than the addition of a small leisure pool, to replace the one that was available at Rushcliffe. What a poultry effort. I haven't been in the pool yet but it appears to have a shallow/beach type end making it unsuitable for swimming. The new snooker room looks like a works canteen (showing my age there I suspect, I doubt there are any works leisure facilities anywhere now) and the new cafe area looks smaller and even more utilitarian the Rushcliffe LC cafe. There is no bar or lounge. (What happened to all those leather armchairs and sofas? When I offered to buy one I was told they were going into storage and would be reused.) The bowls area is much the same as was but with no adjacent lounge it is isolated from other users behind closed doors, dismal. The squash courts have a very springy front wall which will allow you to bounce a stone cold red ball right to the back wall with the very first stroke. The Rushcliffe courts are the only ones I know but it don't seem right to me. No outdoor courts at all, not even a replacement for the tired and confusing multiuse courts at Rushcliffe LC, yet there are acres of wasted space outside given over to high grade paving, presumbably to impress visitors to Rushcliffe Council and grass (with no sports facilities). The standard of fittings is I suspect is what you might expect for modern council facilities. Poor. I'm pretty sure the internal structure will be tatty and in need of renewal within 5 years. What happened to the drive to encourage greater health and well being through sport? The opportunity for investment with the sale of the Riverside property and the economy of the combined site could have produced a landmark facility affordable to all in Rushcliffe. Grrr an opportunity wasted, can I have my taxes and the last 9 months membership fees back. It seems I have bought a pig in a poke.